Chazzsongs Music


Tommy Napoli [ Napo ]

Tommy Napoli [ Napo ]

The Most Talented Person I Had Ever Met.

Tommy Napoli was the greatest drummer I had ever performed with. When Tommy played drums, his drums literally sang in perfect harmony. He tuned his drums with perfect precision and when he played, his entire drum-set moved and thus, he could play by himself and the drums would sound like ten musical instruments. I compare Tommy to the great Daniel Seraphine of the band Chicago. They were both similar in style, sound, and technique. Not only was Tommy the greatest drummer I had ever heard or performed with , but he was also a great sketch artist. He made the Chazzsongs drum logo and a hundred of other unique musician cute and funny sketches which I have buried in a box in a basement in New York and cant get to at the moment. In his life, he also became a great song writer with a style of his own. In addition, he was the most pleasant guy I had ever known and anyone who had met him, fell in love with his innocent friendly personality. He was my great friend and a most important person in my life!

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